In order to be eligible to compete at a Lacrosse Canada National Championship, all athletes and team personnel members (e.g. coaches, trainers, managers, etc.) on the roster are required to complete the
CCES True Sport Clean 101 (Untracked) online education course and submit the electronic declaration form. These requirements are in place for the following age categories:
All athletes and team personnel members must complete the online course prior to the start of their respective Lacrosse Canada National Championship. Those that do not complete it prior to their event deadline will be charged a $50 administration fee (to be charged to the MA that the athlete or team personnel member is representing).
This must be completed every year, as new policies arrive every year.
The new course was created by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) and will ensure that our members are provided with the most accurate anti-doping information available. The content is more comprehensive than the previous Lacrosse Canada anti-doping course, so it will require athletes and coaches to put in a little more time and effort to complete it and successfully pass the quiz.
The course is comprised of eight (8) modules and one (1) quiz. It will take roughly one (1) hour to complete.
How do I complete the online anti-doping education course?
Access the course.
Complete the course modules.
The modules can be completed in any order and don't all have to be done at once.
If you leave the module before it's completed, your progress will not be saved.
Some of the modules are interactive, so be sure to follow the on-screen instructions and click around.
Each module has a few questions at the end and those answers may be helpful when completing the final quiz, so pay attention.
Complete the True Sport Clean Quiz.
Before you start the final quiz, be sure to input your full name and your Member Association in the corresponding boxes.
There are six (6) sections to the quiz. You need to get 100% on each section to pass.
If you don't not pass one of the sections on your first attempt, you can re-do that quiz immediately.
Save an electronic copy of your course certificate.
Once you pass the True Sport Clean Quiz, follow the instructions to print and/or save a copy of your certificate.
You can either take a screen shot of your certificate and save it as a photo file or print the webpage and save it to PDF.
Without the certificate, there is no way for Lacrosse Canada to know that you've successfully completed the course, so don't close the page until the certificate is saved.
Send a copy of your course certificate to Lacrosse Canada.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
If you want to know if you have to complete this anti-doping education course, please contact your
Member Association.
If you are having technical difficulties with the online course or quiz, please contact