LTAD is a framework for systematically training and developing physical, mental, and emotional capacities in athletes according to scientifically-recognized principles and stages of human development. As a training, competition, and recovery model, it respects the natural stages of physical, mental, and emotional development in athletes.
Based on clearly defined developmental stages, LTAD provides recommendations for ratios of training-to-competition hours, points of emphasis in skills training, formats for competition, and more. When adapted to a specific sport such as lacrosse, it provides coaches and administrators with clear guidelines for designing training and competition programs at every developmental stage to optimize long-term skills acquisition and performance.
Importantly, LTAD allows athletes the flexibility to move between competitive and recreational arenas of their sport at almost any time of life. Following early athlete development in the first stages of training, and depending on talent, athletes may choose to pursue elite competition or join a recreational stream for fun and wellness. In this way, LTAD supports lifelong wellness for the greatest number of participants even while promoting medal-winning performances.
Learn all about the Lacrosse Canada's Lacrosse for Life LTAD stages from the great resources below.